The dapper gent serenely meditating while reconciling himself to the precise ministrations of his tailor has every reason to look so cool, calm, and collected; he is practiced in the art of discernment that has informed his commission of a bespoke overcoat.
And why not? The only question is why wouldn't everyone who has graduated from the sartorial JV signified by off-the-rack (or worse, athleisure and golf-adjacent options) enthusiastically follow such a sterling example?
It may be hard to fathom, but the awful truth is that there still exists a cohort of well-turned out gentlemen (including, quite mystifyingly, rakes and dandies who regularly frequent the finest bespoke outfitters) that still elect to shop for their topcoats at the local department store. Now is the time to cast off the convenient and commonplace and rise to the level of wardrobe perfection unattainable by even the most esteemed purveyors of RTW, and return instead to the painstaking perfection of the tailor who you trusted to up your suit/sport jacket/trouser/shirt game.
A Bespoke Overcoat.

Just imagine a coat that will not merely protect you from the worst that winter may beget, but one that has been hand-crafted with the same devotion to fit and attention to detail as is the rest of your peerlessly tailored wardrobe.
Moreover, with fit and quality being a given, take just a moment to consider the virtually limitless model options you won’t find in a RTW garment in a retail setting: Chesterfields, Macintoshes, Polo Coats, Crombies, Duffels, British Warmers, Opera Coats…and, of course, the pleasure of contemplating the myriad stylish details; back pleats sleeve, cuffs, belts (and half belts), the flourish of a special lining, perhaps a pocket to hold your newest mobile.
Trust us, you won’t be disappointed.
In fact, chances are you’ll most likely be tempted to thrash yourself for waiting so long.